Found a workaround. First, I downloaded e5-base-v2
from huggingface, and put in in a local cache dirctory. Then I turned off my network interface.
docker run -d --name marqo -it -p 8882:8882 -e MARQO_MODELS_TO_PRELOAD='[]' -v /vespa:/opt/vespa/var -v /marqo/.cache/huggingface/hub:/hfcache marqoai/marqo:2.11
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8882/indexes/test -d '{"model": "local/e5-base-v2", "modelProperties": {"dimensions": 768, "tokens": 512,"type": "hf","model_size": 0.438,"text_query_prefix": "query: ","text_chunk_prefix": "passage: ","notes": "","localpath": "/hfcache/models--intfloat--e5-base-v2/snapshots/1c644c92ad3ba1efdad3f1451a637716616a20e8"}}'
Then I can add documents to the test
index, and query them.
But most importantly, I can also shutdown and remove the marqo container, then restart it with the command above, and everything works - offline.